Let’s get one thing straight here…30 is the new 20!
So here’s the scoop:
I get told on a daily basis that I
look every bit of 19-24 yrs. old. When you’re 30 this is the greatest
compliment. Until you sit down with a teenager and they look at you straight
faced in the eyes and say, “I think 30 is old”. Truth is, when I was 13, I
thought 30 was a
lifetime away and yes, it was OLD.
But times have changed, and I’m rolling
with them full fledge! And I am done believing this LIE!
Yes I’m tired all the time, and
prefer a glass of wine on the couch over a night out, but that doesn’t make me
a senior citizen (I love them btw).
This light hearted topic brings me to
a bigger issue within our society of yet another “PRESSURE”. We are pressured
to believe that you MUST have a spouse, children, 401K plan, house, multiple
cars, investments, multiple degrees, a gym membership and make monthly
charitable contributions all by the age of 30! Who the heck made this stuff
up?! Why does society pressure me into thinking that I have failed at
life if I don’t have at least half of the items mentioned? Why does society
force us into believing that life should be completely figured out by 30?
Please find this person who had this bright idea and send them my way!
This is WRONG! 👊🏾
Life is a journey that is filled with
twists, turns, mistakes, triumphs, failures and unpredictable moments. Does
this mean I am not a success because I’m not married or with child at 30? Nah!
Society has an annoying way of
placing pressure on all of us, no matter your age, race or gender.
I do believe that life offers you
experience and by 30 you should have some things in place, and be settled
enough to at least care for yourself. But all the other “stuff” doesn’t come
for everyone by this time. Trust me, I KNOW. And I refuse to feel bad about not
being where the societal dictionary tells me I should be!
Yes, I’m behind on the latest IG updates
and can’t seem to figure out how to add multiple items to my IG story but I’m
up on snapchat! Haha! 💁🏽
I’m learning at the age of 30
(2months shy of 31) to take my life and apply my own pressure! Push myself to
attain the goals I have set for myself, no matter what age! After all, it
really is just a number. I’m taking my experiences and wisdom, and moving
forward by the grace of God.
This message is not exclusive to 30
year olds, it’s to everyone. Do not listen to what society says we should do or
have by their time frame. Live your life, set your own goals and work at them.
Goals can be mapped out (degrees, finances, etc.) but I personally feel that Life
can’t. You have to roll with the punches and accept the journey God mapped out
for YOU! Each person has a different path!
Don’t be so hard on yourself! Your life
is not mine and my life is not yours. Take ownership of your destiny and leave
society’s opinions behind.
Huge shout out to my lovely bff for
suggesting this blog topic! 😘
Ask yourself, how old do I feel??? I
feel 25, so yea I still have time to make it happen! 😏
Live.Laugh.Love and GROW!