Tuesday, May 9, 2017

What the hell is going ON???

First of all, sorry for the language ma! I know you'll probably read this first lol.

Welcome to my blog! Join me on this crazy ride called MY LIFE! I will discuss a lot of topics such as fashion, beauty, depression, love, GOD, corporate issues and much more! This will simply be a prelude to my book I am currently writing. So Let's start here...

I'm worn out! Mentally, emotionally and physically. I'm absolutely miserable with the state I am in, but I refuse to sit and sulk over it any longer. I want more out of life and from what people tell me, my life is just starting at 30 😏

Have you ever sat in the car, at your desk, in the grocery store, at a friends house and just wondered, What the hell is going on?! When did I get here? When did I allow myself to feel this low? Why are you so mad? Sad? Confused? (I'm really sounding CRAZY now!!) What the hell are you going to do about it? This is where I am right now...literally!

So I'm taking charge of my life starting today. I'm not much of a "talker" but I'm never ashamed to share how I'm feeling. I know I'm not the only one who is at this state in their life where they are feeling worn out and overwhelmed by LIFE. It happens to the best of us! I'd like to consider myself one of the BEST at everything I do, so yes this includes me! And guess what? It's O.K.

I just told myself to stop beating ME up. Stop allowing your job, finances and people to control your happiness and you take CONTROL of your LIFE. I'm talking to myself but hoping YOU are listening while reading :)

Whether you're 30, 40, 15 or 62. With the help of God, you control YOU! Sounds simple right? Most days it's not for me, but I'm taking it one day at a time and pushing through! As my mama tells me all the time, I never QUIT and I'm a FIGHTER! So this blog is my way of fighting away my fears and pressing towards my goals.

I got this! And you do too!

Trust me, all my blogs won't be this mushy but it will be REAL and YOU WILL RELATE!

Pass this along, share share share! I'll post weekly and if something really thrilling happens, I'll post again!

Thanks for reading and I pray you take control of your LIFE today and do something for YOU! Assess your LIFE and recognize what is really going on around you and in you! Be aware and work on you!



  1. Yaaaay Crys! Thank God for your transparency and the fight in you! Please know that you're not alone. Life is really trying us in this season but something I believe is that this is our defining time. You see people twice our age kinda stuck where they were in their 30s and I believe it's because in the face of the fight they didn't turn to God... anyway 10 years from now when we are looking back, we'll thank God for the test and cherish the journey. Love you much. So proud of you! Never stop fighting!!

    1. Thank You!!! :) I appreciate the support!!

  2. First off, I'm so proud of you for starting this blog. Your openness and sincerity is gonna touch so many souls. Regardless of age, like you said, everyone can relate and has the power to control their own destiny. I look forward to reading more. Love you my darling.

    1. Thanks my love!! Thank you for reading and being supportive :)
      Love you too darling!!
